Tuesday, 19 May 2015

A credit card to offset your individual carbon guilt

Have you ever been offered any kind of rewards when using your credit card?
I'm sure the answer is 'Yes'. Every one has been trapped in some kind of a reward scheme, whether its the cash back promotion, discounted price on some items or some sort of gifts or vouchers.
But have a look at this:


Sustain:Green came up with the idea to bring the reward system to the next level. Now, every time you use your card, you fight against global climate change.Your carbon footprint (or the carbon footprint of the item you purchased) is reduced with the funding to reforestation projects.
 Sustain:Green hopes to use the rewards systems toward purchasing certified carbon offsets.

The company's CEO Arthur Newman states that there was always a lack of transparency involved in all sorts of fundings like this. people did know where the money are going. Also, some companies do have an option of offset after the purchase but with extra costs, which is ridiculous and does involve some kind of second though after the transaction has been finalised. His goal is to make the offsets free and easy.

The offsets aren’t free for Sustain:Green, but they have gone as far as they can to make purchasing offsets free for its customers.

I think its a very interesting project. People do not have to do anything to make a difference. there are no extra fees involved and no charges. People just live their lives, spend money and offsetting.

There is also a sector of community involvement. The website provides information on more projects by Sustain:green and people can vote for them, discuss and even make their own suggestions.

Another extra sustainable feature is that the card is biodegradable. According to Newman, the amount of credit cards being thrown away each year is highly underestimated - it’s about half a billion credit and debit cards every year.

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